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Here you will find a selection of publications from partners active within PLATINEA.

  • 2024-01-01 Swartling, M., Tängdén, T., Lipcsey, M., Jönsson, S., Nielsen, E. I. "Therapeutic drug monitoring of vancomycin and meropenem: Illustration of the impact of inaccurate information in dose administration time" (International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents). Study highlighting the importance of the accuracy of dose history required when introducing model-based precision dosing. Read article.
  • 2022-10-23 Baraldi, E., Wagrell, S. "Applying the resource interaction approach to policy analysis - Insights from the antibiotic resistance challenge" (Industrial Marketing Management). An article about how to make policy analyses of the AMR problem using certain tools from the management field. Read article.
  • 2022-09-06 Van Heuverswyn, J., Karlsson Valik, J., van der Werff, S.D., Hedberg, P., Giske, C., Nauclér, P. "Association between time to appropriate antimicrobial treatment and 30-day mortality in patients with bloodstream infections: A retrospective cohort study" (Clinical Infectious Diseases). Article on association between time to comprehensive antibiotic treatment and mortality in patients with bacteraemia. Read article.
  • 2022-05-23 Skoog Ståhlgren, G., Grape, M., Edlund, C. "The Swedish model for prioritising research on the use of antibiotics: Aligning public funding with research gaps" (Health Policy). Article about the Swedish model for prioritizing antibiotic research. Read article
  • 2019-05-20 Nijsingh, N., Munthe, C., Larsson, J. "Managing pollution from antibiotics manufacturing: charting actors, incentives and counterincentives" (ResearchGate). Read article.

2024-01-29 Enrico Baraldi and Charlotta Edlund guests the podcast "Samverkanspodden" on the subject of antibiotics. Listen to the podcast (Swedish only).

2022-12-16 Enrico Baraldi and Bengt Mattson from PLATINEA take part in LIF's podcast episode about antibiotic resistance. Listen to the episode

2022-06-16 PLATINEA's work presented in UppTalk Weekly; popular science seminars via zoom. Watch the seminar. (link to YouTube recording).

2022-05-12 Forska Sweden highlights projects in precision health, including PLATINEA's work (minute 9 onwards). Watch the short film (audio in swedish, english subtitles).

2020-11-20 PLATINEA is presented at the Public Health Agency's Antibiotic Forum and panel discussion. Watcg the recording. (länk till inspelning på YouTube).

2020-11-20 All recordings from the Public Health Agency's Antibiotic Forum 20 November 2020 (link to recordings on YouTube).

2019-11-21 Studio Ett in Sveriges Radio reports on increasing problems with drugs running out, including antibiotics. Among other things Bengt Mattson, who is in PLATINEA, also participates. Listen to the program.


  • PLATINEA is a multisectoral collaboration platform with the aim to preserve and enhance the value of existing antibiotics. The common goal is to ensure that the antibiotics available today are used in the best way.


PLATINEA is funded by VINNOVA - Sweden's Innovation Agency.

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On X (formerly twitter) as @platinea_se

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