Here you will find a selection of publications from partners active within PLATINEA.
Research Publications
- 2024-01-01 Swartling, M., Tängdén, T., Lipcsey, M., Jönsson, S., Nielsen, E. I. "Therapeutic drug monitoring of vancomycin and meropenem: Illustration of the impact of inaccurate information in dose administration time" (International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents). Study highlighting the importance of the accuracy of dose history required when introducing model-based precision dosing. Read article.
- 2022-10-23 Baraldi, E., Wagrell, S. "Applying the resource interaction approach to policy analysis - Insights from the antibiotic resistance challenge" (Industrial Marketing Management). An article about how to make policy analyses of the AMR problem using certain tools from the management field. Read article.
- 2022-09-06 Van Heuverswyn, J., Karlsson Valik, J., van der Werff, S.D., Hedberg, P., Giske, C., Nauclér, P. "Association between time to appropriate antimicrobial treatment and 30-day mortality in patients with bloodstream infections: A retrospective cohort study" (Clinical Infectious Diseases). Article on association between time to comprehensive antibiotic treatment and mortality in patients with bacteraemia. Read article.
- 2022-05-23 Skoog Ståhlgren, G., Grape, M., Edlund, C. "The Swedish model for prioritising research on the use of antibiotics: Aligning public funding with research gaps" (Health Policy). Article about the Swedish model for prioritizing antibiotic research. Read article
- 2019-05-20 Nijsingh, N., Munthe, C., Larsson, J. "Managing pollution from antibiotics manufacturing: charting actors, incentives and counterincentives" (ResearchGate). Read article.
- 2024-06-17 Policy options for Nordic collaboration to improve access to antibiotics. Report commissioned by Public Health Agency of Sweden to Uppsala University. Read the report.
- 2024-02-12 The Public Health Agency of Sweden and PLATINEA's mapping of the antibiotic market in the Nordic countries. Pdf, 272 kB.
- 2024-01-15 The Public Health Agency of Sweden and PLATINEA's updated inventory of knowledge gaps.
- 2024-01-08 Prioritylist for clinically important antibiotics in Sweden. A list made by The Public Health Agency of Sweden in collaboration with PLATINEA.
- 2023-12-04 DRIVE-AB:s policyletter about a European model for incentive for innovation and access to antibiotics.
- 2021-04-12 PLATINEA:s interim report Pdf, 88 kB. about regional reimbursementmodels for antibiotics.
- 2021-04-12 PLATINEA:s interim report Pdf, 91 kB. about national reimbursementmodels for antibiotics.
- 2021-04-12 PLATINEA:s interim report Pdf, 68 kB. about central coordination to counteract antibiotic shortages.
- 2021-04-12 PLATINEA:s interim report Pdf, 216 kB. about the impact of computer system on antibiotic shortages.
- 2021-04-12 PLATINEA:s interim report Pdf, 84 kB. about regulatory processes and antibiotic shortages.
- 2020-10-06 PLATINEA:s interim report Pdf, 512 kB. about 10 measures against antibiotic shortage.
- 2020-03-05 PLATINEA:s causal map Pdf, 1 MB. - riskfactors and barriers around antibiotic shortages.
- 2020-01-10 PLATINEA:s first preliminary report Pdf, 199 kB. regarding antibiotic availability.
News coverage (in Swedish)
Articles below are related to PLATINEA's work and/or contains interviews with people in PLATINEA.
- 2024-01-26 "Listade kunskapsluckor ska stimulera forskning" LäkemedelsVärlden
- 2022-12-09 Enrico Baraldi har utsetts till Årets Läkemedelsprofil 2022 av Läkemedelsmarknaden, för sitt arbete inom Platinea. Pdf, 157 kB. Länk till den digitala artikeln (kräver prenumeration).
- 2022-11-14 LäkemedelsVärlden nämner Platinea inom arbetet för att bevara äldre antibiotika.
- 2021-05-24 Karläggning visar på risker för bristsituationer av antibiotika för barn, artikel av LäkemedelsVärlden.
- 2020-03-11 "Kan AI förebygga brister på antibiotika?" LäkemedelsVärlden
- 2020-03-09 "Minst 60 skäl till antibiotikabrister" LäkemedelsVärlden
- 2020-03-03 "Livsfarliga bristsituationer kräver åtgärder" Läkartidningen
- 2020-01-14 "Säkerhetslager för att motverka antibiotikabrist" LäkemedelsVärlden
- 2019-11-12 "Innovationer krävs för att mota antibiotikaresistens" Läkartidningen
- 2019-06-22 "Läkemedelsbrist drabbar ofta antibiotika" Dagens Nyheter
Audio & Video
2024-01-29 Enrico Baraldi and Charlotta Edlund guests the podcast "Samverkanspodden" on the subject of antibiotics. Listen to the podcast (Swedish only).
2022-12-16 Enrico Baraldi and Bengt Mattson from PLATINEA take part in LIF's podcast episode about antibiotic resistance. Listen to the episode
2022-06-16 PLATINEA's work presented in UppTalk Weekly; popular science seminars via zoom. Watch the seminar. (link to YouTube recording).
2022-05-12 Forska Sweden highlights projects in precision health, including PLATINEA's work (minute 9 onwards). Watch the short film (audio in swedish, english subtitles).
2020-11-20 PLATINEA is presented at the Public Health Agency's Antibiotic Forum and panel discussion. Watcg the recording. (länk till inspelning på YouTube).
2020-11-20 All recordings from the Public Health Agency's Antibiotic Forum 20 November 2020 (link to recordings on YouTube).
2019-11-21 Studio Ett in Sveriges Radio reports on increasing problems with drugs running out, including antibiotics. Among other things Bengt Mattson, who is in PLATINEA, also participates. Listen to the program.